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It’s been comic-wise slow year, as life has been as random as always. I did recently take part in one comic competition. I will try to remember post my entry somewhere when I’m allowed to 🙂

I’ll be taking part again to digital Zine Fest Helsinki, I’ll be updating more on that on my Instagram when it’s closer.

I have been trying lately strip comic form, I will later(some day, some month, some year?!) post those somewhere. I haven’t had passion before to do stip comics myself (though I’ve liked them!) but I figured something like that might help me to bounce back as those I do require quite little time to finnish and it’s been quite fun.

Btw, I was able to solve the comment spam issue for now, hurray! I still left on the setting that I need to approve comments just in case, so don’t be alarmed if they don’t appear right away 🙂

Stay safe ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

Time for once-in-a-year post #2021

Time for once-in-a-year post #2021 published on No Comments on Time for once-in-a-year post #2021

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